Your application for membership is an opportunity for us to learn about you and your organization’s fit with the ICFOA’s values and standards. Please complete it with due diligence. We look forward to your submission and the possibility of welcoming you into our alliance. This application form is your first step towards becoming a part of our dynamic community.

What to Expect in This Application

    • Introduction to ICFOA: Get to know more about our alliance and the significance of this application.
    • Membership Criteria: Review and confirm your adherence to the ICFOA’s established membership criteria.
    • Applicant Details: Provide essential information about yourself and your organization.
    • Duties and Obligations: Understand and commit to the duties and obligations associated with being a member.
    • Self-Assessment: Share how your organization aligns with the ICFOA’s standards through a detailed self-assessment.
    • Submission Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the submission process, including deadlines and required documents.
    • Declaration: Conclude your application with a declaration and your signature to affirm the accuracy of the information provided.